**Based on a true story**
Dear Peeps,
I know I'm late but I've just been in and out of the ER these past few days. So to make myself feel better, I'd thought I'd share some of the crazy times that I've had while living in New York. Granted, it slowed down a lot but when I first got here, life was
pretty crazy and I was excited to see what New York had in store for me.

Fashion Week was popular at school, well duh, Fashion Institute of Technology. Anyways, I had went to the agency fair and tried signing up with some agencies to volunteer in Fashion Week. A few weeks later, didn't hear anything and I was a little down because that would've been something good to put on my resume. Talking with my roommate, I expressed to her that it sucks the agencies only picked a hand full of kids to volunteer for fashion week. She told me that it wasn't a big deal and that
I could sneak in, and she proceeded to shrugge her shoulders. I looked at her like she was a little crazy because to sneak into a place with a lot of security like that wasn't going to be easy. I guess she could tell by what she just told me that I didn't believe her, so she went into detail, "All you have to do is pretend you work for one of the agencies, whatever they say you have to match their lie and boom. Your in".

I guess I still had a confused look on my face so she continued to say, "If you want we can all go together, I'll show you how to do it." The next day, we got dressed, I had on a black and white dress with wedge heels. My roommate had on all black; sheer shirt, black work pants, black shoes and a black handbag. The guy we were going with, had a big DSLR canon camera, he wore all black as well so it looked as if I was an assistant, she was a publicist, and the guy was a camera man. On the way there I started getting nervous, I've never done this before and then the fact that she didn't even tell us what to say I started over thinking and became even more nervous, the guy we were with was a mutual friend of ours and he was sweating like a whore in church. Almost there, I couldn't help but to ask, "So how are we going to do this?" As I laughed nervously trying to play it off. She just simply said, "We go in there, we say we work for so and so agency and boom. We're in there." I wanted to punch this girl when ever she said boom, like it was something so simple and easy.
We get there and we all split the cab fair, got out the cab and walked up the long stairs to the Lincoln Mercedes Fashion Week. We stayed outside for a little until my roommate came up with a

plan, she saw the entrance and tried to walk in when the security guard stopped us and said ID? She said she had forgot it but her boss was waiting for her and she's going to be mad if she doesn't get in there. The security guard understood her complaints but said he wasn't allowed because of the threats they've been getting, so he told us to go around to the back. It didn't make sense to me why Fashion Week would get threats but okay, we went around to the back and tried to get in that way. We saw a lady that my roommate started talking to and she expressed to her that she was trying to get in and told her the name of the agency. The lady took us to the mobile home to see if she could look us up on the data base and my roommate came up with a fake name and the lady couldn't find us. So the lady that's been helping us dragged us to the back of the stage and that's when my roommate said her name was, "Julia Smith", and luckily enough the name of on the list. When it was my turn, I said my name was Amanda Johnson, because that was the first name I saw on the list and she handed me a pass, and next thing I knew we were all in.

One thing that was missing though was my roommate, as soon as we turned around she was gone. Rather than making our way to find a seat to watch the show, we found backstage and helped the models get dressed. It's almost safe to say that our plan was sabotaged, we didn't necessarily see the show but at least we got to help out and boy did they put us to work. We were steaming dresses,
organizing shoes and dresses, then help the models put on there clothes and sooner than later the show was done. We, our mutual friend and I, tried to see if we could slip away and still see the show but my roommate had called and we just ended up leaving. After, we were all hungry and went out for drinks -- I wasn't even twenty one at the time which was pretty cool. At dinner she told us that she sat next to some fashion designer and she gave her a business card, blah blah. She also told us that the reason she left us was because she got nervous. Although, our experiences at the show were different I still had a wonderful time. Comment below and let me know if you would be crazy enough to go along with this plan. Hopefully you guys enjoyed my story and stay tune for some more, until next time ❤
With Love & Sweetness.